Formerly known as Tamworth Family Support Service (TFSS)

Intensive Family Preservation (IFP)

Safe spaces for growth, support, and new beginnings

Home 9 Children & Family Programs 9 Intensive Family Preservation (IFP)

Currently offered in these postcode areas: 2340, 2346, 2347, 2352, 2355.

The program is designed to work with families in crisis, whose children or young people are at significant risk of harm to prevent placement in Out-Of-Home Care (OOHC).  

How are families referred to the program? / Referral Eligibility

Referrals to the Intensive Family Preservation Program are made from the Department of Communities and Justice (DCJ).

Why are families referred to the IFP program?

  • Improving children’s wellbeing
  • Keeping children at home in a safe, stable environment
  • Improving parenting capacity and family functioning
  • Preventing unnecessary placement in OOHC provided this is consistent with the paramount concern of protecting children from significant harm.

What does the program involve?

  • Average of up to 12 weeks (3 months) of intensive caseworker support to each family
  • A further “step down” period (for up to three months) of less intensive, but individually – tailored casework and service assistance.
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