Children & Family Programs
Housing Help Programs
Domestic & Family Violence Programs
Youth Programs
Community Support Programs
Your journey,
our support.
Proudly supporting those in need across the New England North West for 40 years. Our footprint covers Tamworth, Armidale, Walcha, Uralla, Quirindi, Manilla, Gunnedah, Narrabri, Inverell, Tenterfield, Moree, Boggabilla, Mungindi, and Barraba. The type of support we can offer depends on your location. All programs are free to access.
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The work we do would not be possible without the support of our community partners.
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Youth Homelessness Matters
This article has been transcribed from a recent media interview...
Hidden homeless in our community
This article has been transcribed from a media interview....
Armidale turns Purple for DV Awareness
Photo: TFSS Case Worker Cecily Cromie proudly showing her Purple hair for DV awareness
Join us for our 1-2-3 Magic & Emotion Coaching. Parents will learn skills on: How discipline without arguing, yelling, or smacking How to handle challenging and testing behaviours Using emotion […]
Tamworth, NSW 2340 Australia
This program is for mums with bubs 0 to 2 years of age. The focus of this group is to help parents during baby's first years of life.
West Tamworth, NSW 2340 Australia
In celebration of National Carers Week, TFSS and Tamworth Network Group are inviting all carers to attend a Pamper and Portrait Day on Thursday 24 October from 10am until 2pm […]
West Tamworth, NSW 2340